Make the World a Better Place

Political corner

Make the World a Better Place

Send neo-Marxist progressives and liberal fellow travelers into the dustbin of history

Cost of Communism       Dupes and Fellow Travelers       Foreign radio in Cold War       Marxist and Other Radical Parties

Scientists admire the Munich Agreement, 1938

Two cultures and science illiteracy of "intellectuals"

Rocket espionage      Soviet espionage in U.S.      Soviet espionage in Southern California      Rocket Scientists' Voter Guide for 2020s    Socialism, Academia, and Intellectuals

final warning of Orwell

The 1776 Report

Dupes and Fellow Travelers

New York Times trashes Goddard

The Sharon Statement

Churchill in London

Final warning by George Orwell

The 1776 Report

Dupes and Fellow Travelers

New York Times trashes Goddard

The Sharon Statement

Chirchill's Iron Curtain speech

yes-to-engineering sticker for rocket scientists  –  yes-to-commons-sense sticker for rocket scientists  –  other political stuff

No to social engineering       No to political correctness

yes-to-merit sticker for rocket scientists  –  American dream sticker for rocket scientists  –  other political stuff

No to guotas       Yes to merit and American dream


Recommended science and engineering books on astronautics, rocketry, and space technology


Recommended missile defense books


Recommended books on history of astronautics, rocketry, and space

Say it right -- Pronunciation guide                  Israel history: essential library

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